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Stress Busting Secrets
Wednesday, July 07, 2021, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST
Category: Webinar

Stress Busting Secrets

2 hours (CEs pending in FL)


This online seminar will help you claim your potential for energy, vitality, and pain-free living. Do you complain about lack of good sleep, frequent illness, chronic pain, inflammation, or fatigue? These are common effects of chronic stress. Stress weakens your immune system! The solution to stress-related problems, begins with this seminar.

Whatever your age, physical condition, or stress level, you can begin to transform the way you feel right now. In this 2-hour class, I share integrative bodywork concepts and methods that can shift your nervous system from fight or flight to calm and controlled.

I will teach you some of the most practical techniques that I have learned in my decades of work in the holistic field. Hope to see you there!

Click here to register!